Data API
ITC Courses
Use case
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Learning elements on this topic
Design a diagram for the case study.
Set system boundaries to plan a research project in the case study.
Formulate relevant objectives and research questions for the case study manageable within the given time.
Formulate hypothesis for the environmental analysis required by the case study.
Assess the fit-for-use data quality measures of the required for your case study.
Apply descriptive and inferential statistics to assess the quality of the data sources of your use cases.
Check the accessibility of the data required for your case study.
Assess the main challenges faced when developing your case study.
Design simple GEE scripts (javascript) modifying existing codes to prepare the datasets for your case study.
Select the most suitable datasets for your case study.
Define the data needed to achieve the goals of your study case.
Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation
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